For the 2022-2023 football season, Bouemai Brand had the opportunity to sponsor there Alumni for their 10 year anniversary. Bouemai is a lifestyle brand with a meaning within the name. (BOUE) is French for mud and (MAI) comes from the Hawaiian language "Hele mai" which means to come/came from. Pronounced BOO-MAH, bouemai means to come from the mud. The ability to come from a low situation and turn it into a prosperous endeavor.
The Bouemai team are all Lakewood Alumni. Jarrod Stevens DB (C/O 15') Chris Bell QB (C/O 13') and Charles Stevens DB (C/O 13'). We got a chance to catch up with Chris Bell, who was the quarterback at Lakewood how it feels to give back to the program who helped mold you into the man you are today he stated, " It feels real good, to be able to see these kids being in a position I was once in and can inspire and motivate them is a blessing. Also want to thank Head Coach Justin Utupo for giving us the opportunity to support the program"
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